Shopify + WhatsApp

Integrate your Shopify Store with WhatsApp

Watch your sales skyrocket with Tellephant

Leverage the power of WhatsApp to scale your business.

Thousands of brands already are.

You want to scale your business.

We’ve got the right tools to achieve that.

Drive Sales.

Target the right customers at the right time and convert potential customers into paying customers with automations and targeted marketing.

whatsapp outreach
whatsapp shopify

Boost Customer Retention

Reach out to customers with personalised offers and product recommendations based on their shopping history and personalise their shopping experience.

Never Miss a Sale

Remind customers about abandoned carts with automated cart recovery messages. Provide live assistance to your customers and help them choose the best products.

whatsapp outreach
whatsapp shopify

Provide Support. 24/7

Resolve customer queries and issues instantly with dedicated customer support agents and AI powered chatbots.

Ready to get started?

Sign up for an Official WhatsApp Business API today!
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